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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Penis Mightier:

They say that when somebody insults you that it’s just words, and there is no real power behind them except what you allow for.

That’s total bullshit, but it’s malleable bullshit.

The key component to spell crafting is intent. Words are nothing more than another focusing tool that we use to direct the power of our will against a target, for either beneficial or baneful results.

This ability is inherent in everyone. Just because a person is not educated on energy manipulation doesn’t mean that they lack the power to turn their intent into reality. They just sorta luck into it by accident, but despite their lack of knowledge, the result is the same.

When somebody talks shit about you, they are forcing their negative energy into you, for the result of making you feel like total crap. This is the spell, their words show the intent of their will. Basically any idiot or bully can be capable of a psychic attack, even if they’re dumber than a box of rocks.

Cruelty and malice are just as viable an attack as any spell.

This is why so many “bullies” require a following of mindless sycophants. The fear and devotion of their sheep-like cheerleaders help boost the aggressor’s attacks, which allows for them to better feed on the fear and pain they inflict upon others. There is a very strong relationship between bullies and Psi Vampirism, they’re just untutored and too stupid to realize the downfall to feeding strictly on negative energy.

The good news is that the majority of these people are untrained, working solely on instinct, which makes them sloppy, which in turn makes them and their actions easier to manage.

To counter these attacks, you need to shield against it. Basic Occult 101 I know, but I always have to bring it up. The very first thing I taught my older son when he was just a little Podling was shielding, so please excuse me if I get a little anal over it.

Any basic shielding should work, although there is some debate about what type of structure you should begin visualizing, as it varies depending on the individual crafter. I personally began with a seamless stone tower, which has evolved over the years, although some people believe that you should avoid heavy constructions, as they tend to weigh you down too much. Personally, I never felt weighted down, but that‘s just me.

Recognizing the feel of alien energy is another important step. This can be achieved with meditation and practice. You need to go inside of yourself, and learn the different types of energy within, as well as those that surround you on a regular basis. Self awareness and internal focus is the key. Once you get a feel for the difference between negative and position energy, you can begin to separate and purge yourself of anything that is not beneficial to you.

Once you get to this point, you can make a choice on whether or not to filter the energy and keep anything that you consider helpful, while flushing away the rest, or you can isolate and shape the energy into something extra special that you can then launch back into the target.

Simple spikes work, like a javelin, although if you really want to get creative, you can try forming several small spiked balls from it, focusing your intent to harm the target into them, then pew, pew, pew…..not only do you no longer have to worry about the damaging effects that the words of another might have on you, but you can also return their attacks with enough force to cause some serious harm.

There will always be those in this life who will seek to harm you for no other reason then because it fills some hole within them, but they are never satisfied, because they don't understand their own selves enough to fix the issues, so instead they keep inflicting harm, because for that one, small moment when they feed from your pain, they feel complete......that feeling is like a drug for them, and they will never stop seeking it, as shortly after that moment passes, they're empty again.

The best we can do is make sure we're in completely control of ourselves, and protected against them.

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