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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Vampires ain't shit but leeches and ticks:

Earlier today some vampire accused me of misusing my abilities and giving vampires everywhere a bad name simply because I do not seek permission before feeding from a target, nor do I care whether or not I harm them.

Of course this amused me.

Vampires these days are no better than NeoWiccans with their harm none absurdity, and while I understand the need for discretion if one has to consumed blood, due to all those annoying little laws and all, there is just absolutely zero reason for energy feeders to adhere to some bonk code of ethics just because a few insipid twats got together and decided to make vampirism more socially friendly.

Although, I must admit that it appealed to my considerable vanity that anyone would think I possessed that much influence over the public image of vampirism as a whole.

Silly little Suckling.....whatever made you think that your foolish rules apply to me?

I am not your kind.

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