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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nature blows:

When I was much younger, around 12-ish, my parents would spend a great deal of time over my aunt’s house, playing cards with her and her husband.

During these visits, I would always stand on the edge of her property and stare off into the distance. For hours I would do this, from the time we arrived, until we left, I would not move from that sport, hardly even blinking.

This is but one of the many reasons why my Mother’s side of the family thinks that I’m a little weird.

What they don’t know, what I never told anyone, is that I was attempting to summon the wind. All of those hours were actually being spent in meditation. I would focus on the trees across the street, because they were the only non-pines around, and did my damnedest to will the leaves into moving.

Alas, I was not successful. Nature, it seems, is not my forte, and neither is telekinesis apparently.

I always believed that since I felt empowered during storms, that I could also call them to me. I was wrong, Although, my mistake was only in believing I had the ability to summon them, comes to find out that I do have a connection to storms, just not the type I had expected.

It was this realization that caused me to divide my personal trad into two separate parts. Warlocks, who deal with energy manipulation, and Shamans who are more attuned towards Earth magics.

I settled on the Warlock path and have been happily offended Neo-Wiccans with the term ever since.

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