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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Monday, October 10, 2011

Craft of the Wiseass:

A lot of Crafters have cute little pet names for persons of the non-Occult variety.

Titles such as Cowans, Mundanes, or Danes/Danies for short, as well as Muggles. thanks to the popularity of the Harry Potter series, are all utilized to describe anyone who isn‘t a Craft-user.

As for my personal Trad, we've taken to labeling the normal, non-magically-inclined amongst us as Lucys.

It’s both a shortening for “The Lucid Ones” as well as a reference to Lucy from the Peanuts comics, due to her roadside Psychiatrist stand where she offers advice to a mentally and emotionally disturbed Charlie Brown at the steep price of 5 cents a session.

My Trad has a lot of different terms based in both Occult practices, as well as acting as a reference to culturally popular jargon associated with insanity or revelry.

For example, our groups are known as Asylums, and a larger gathering of more than a single Asylum is known as a Carnival. The entire makeup of the Trad is referred to as an Institution. Our personal rituals are called Bacchanals, and those with a calling towards Seerdom are considered Sibyls. Individual members are known as Lunatics or Maeniacs.

As I stated before, there are two branches within the Black Roses Institution, both the Warlock and Shaman paths,  but it is not required for a Lunatic to claim either, or they could just as easily claim both.

All members are Lunatics though, regardless of what other titles they may or may not wish to adhere to. Asylum leaders are known as Thorns. 

The entire purpose of this Trad is to offer a haven for anyone who is either tired of the usual Coven politics and bullshit, as well as those who are just starting out and need a place to call their own. Anyone can claim kinship amongst the Black Roses, either out of a desire to eventually form their own Asylums based around it’s teachings, or as solitary practitioners, if they unable to play well with others.

This is a spiritual path, and not a religion. I can not stress that strongly enough. Whoever decides to walk this path, does so with their own Gods and personal religious practices. And while the Trad does not discriminate, I highly doubt I’ll see any Monotheists joining up in my lifetime. For one thing, those who do practice mysticism are so damned fluffy in their way of thinking that they’d most likely find most of what this Trad has to offer offensive, or at the very lest, contradictive to their beliefs.

There is a great deal more I could talk about in regard to this path, but since I am still in the process of creating it, I’ll just wait until all the puzzle pieces are in place before I delve too deeply into our various practices.

Painting half a picture never accomplishes anything other than to cause people to lose interest once they tire of waiting around for the finished product.

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