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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Monday, October 10, 2011

Good, Bad.....I'm the one with the Flying Monkeys:

Personally, I have no problem with Hexes, Jinxing, Curses, the Evil Eye, whatever the kids are calling it these days. It’s all good with me, which should be rather obvious by now to anyone reading this blog, but I figured I'd go ahead and spell it out. Pun intended.

I don’t think less of those whose beliefs prohibit them from hexing, as even sheep have their place in the balance. I just don’t personally believe in limiting my craft or myself in such a way. Also, I don’t believe in Karma. Neither the original Hindu/Buddhist version of it, as I don't believe that reincarnation applies to everyone, nor the bastardized NeoWiccan version, simply because it's stupid. As far as the Neo-version goes in respect to my life, Karma either doesn’t exist, or it’s just really damn slow. It probably doesn’t hurt that I was fiddling around with spells long before I ever heard of the term Karma, so it’s not like the idea of it was floating around in my head, tripping me up or making me paranoid.

I also feel that it is beneficial to be able to know how to cause harm in order to better work in other areas. For example, how can you heal a person without causing harm to the disease that is affecting them? How can you protect your loved ones magically without being able to back that security up with a bit of mystical ass kicking should anyone be foolish enough to trespass against you and yours? Baneful magic is a part of the overall balance. I believe that sometimes a person has to be willing to get their hands dirty. That overall, they will be stronger for it.

IMO, it’s a rite of passage. An exploration of destruction before one can fully understand and embrace everything that comes after. I believe that everything has it’s purpose and place in our world, and that includes the things that many would shy away from due to personal, or moral objections.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t advocate running around willy nilly, hexing every person who cuts you off in traffic…..although there was a time I used to have some fun with sigils, cutting them out of tin foil and wrapping the foil around a flashlight, then using it against bad drivers….but those were my younger years, I’ve mellowed considerably since then. I believe in personal responsibility, and proportionate spell casting, meaning that you don’t need to cast a death spell on a cheating lover, when a simple STD one would suffice.

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