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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Lets say that there's no such thing as needing to feed on the essence (in it's many different forms) of others. That it's all pretty much in our heads. Just a way for us to convince ourselves that we have some type of power over those around us, when we are, in fact, powerless.

First off, I don't consider myself empowered just because I need energy. Being spiritually ane
mic isn't the defining quality behind my awesomeness. If anything, it's a deterrent. Needing to feed is a weakness. It means that we're lacking in something that only another person can provide. That's not a exactly a good thing.

Also, I don't particularly LIKE feeding on others, not due to any moral issues on my part, as energy cannibalization isn't anywhere near to crossing my line of personal ethics.....Yes, I HAVE a line, it's not viewable from where I'm usually standing, but there's one out there somewhere. No, my aversion is due to the fact that I don't even like people touching me, so I'm not really all that thrilled over allowing their soul slime to slug around inside of me.

Feeding, despite how much I may require it, is nothing more than a self-inflicted violation.

So the whole empowering theory is bullshit, at least where I'm concerned. My power in this world does not come from any type of metaphysical source. That's just the cherry on the mind-fuck sundae, so to speak.

So take it away. Take all meaning behind what I do in order to feed.

At worst, I'm a delusional bitch who's mentally and emotionally manipulating and abusing the scum of the earth for shits and giggles. People so desperate to have their egos fluffed they're able to delude themselves into thinking, despite all of my forewarnings, that they were actually the ONE who was able to wring some type of sincerity from me. When, in actuality, the idea that I could form any type of emotional attachment with anyone I meet in a chat room, or on a web forum, is a thousand times more improbable than the concept of energy vampirism.

Gods I hate that term, WHY did the Occult communities decide to go with it? It's about as stupid as Therians who call themselves "Weres". Of COURSE you're a Were, you dumb fuck, it literally translates to MAN!

Anywho, the bottom line is, if you take away all of the mystical bullshit, then all you're really doing is denying me one of the few weaknesses I'm willing to admit to having.

Which is awesome. So let's hear it for skepticism! You totally rock!

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