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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

In All My Dreams I Drown:

I haven't dreamt of drowning in a long time. The water hasn't come for me since I began feeding heavily from the Dreams of others.

My Incubus hasn't been around either. I think it's because I'm now able to do what he does, even if it is on a much smaller level. The last few times I saw him, he attacked me, clawing at me. I felt that pain, even upon waking, carrying the phantom wounds of his attack for weeks after each occurred.

I hated the water, feared it, and yet, on some level, I also miss it; more than I do the loss of my Incubus.

I long for those waves to claim me again.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I walk in Chaos:

Not because I have to, but because I like the view.


Lets say that there's no such thing as needing to feed on the essence (in it's many different forms) of others. That it's all pretty much in our heads. Just a way for us to convince ourselves that we have some type of power over those around us, when we are, in fact, powerless.

First off, I don't consider myself empowered just because I need energy. Being spiritually ane
mic isn't the defining quality behind my awesomeness. If anything, it's a deterrent. Needing to feed is a weakness. It means that we're lacking in something that only another person can provide. That's not a exactly a good thing.

Also, I don't particularly LIKE feeding on others, not due to any moral issues on my part, as energy cannibalization isn't anywhere near to crossing my line of personal ethics.....Yes, I HAVE a line, it's not viewable from where I'm usually standing, but there's one out there somewhere. No, my aversion is due to the fact that I don't even like people touching me, so I'm not really all that thrilled over allowing their soul slime to slug around inside of me.

Feeding, despite how much I may require it, is nothing more than a self-inflicted violation.

So the whole empowering theory is bullshit, at least where I'm concerned. My power in this world does not come from any type of metaphysical source. That's just the cherry on the mind-fuck sundae, so to speak.

So take it away. Take all meaning behind what I do in order to feed.

At worst, I'm a delusional bitch who's mentally and emotionally manipulating and abusing the scum of the earth for shits and giggles. People so desperate to have their egos fluffed they're able to delude themselves into thinking, despite all of my forewarnings, that they were actually the ONE who was able to wring some type of sincerity from me. When, in actuality, the idea that I could form any type of emotional attachment with anyone I meet in a chat room, or on a web forum, is a thousand times more improbable than the concept of energy vampirism.

Gods I hate that term, WHY did the Occult communities decide to go with it? It's about as stupid as Therians who call themselves "Weres". Of COURSE you're a Were, you dumb fuck, it literally translates to MAN!

Anywho, the bottom line is, if you take away all of the mystical bullshit, then all you're really doing is denying me one of the few weaknesses I'm willing to admit to having.

Which is awesome. So let's hear it for skepticism! You totally rock!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I'm a predator.

Don't like it? Well, too bad.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and try being less of a meal.

Shapeshifting & Comic Book References:

People often feel very passionate about certain things. Whether it's politics, religion, or just about any other topic capable of inciting heated debates. 

I enjoy reading and hearing their opinions, but rarely do I ever feel moved by them to any real extent, at least not long-term. Barring out-right bigotry, racism and those fuckwads over at NAMBLA, which I luckily feel no compulsion to sympathize with, I'm usually able to understand both sides of most any debate. Sometimes it goes beyond that. My Shifter nature will always lean towards whoever I'm speaking with at the moment, and is subject to change depending on the opinions of those in my general surroundings.

I'm apathetic and fickle, that doesn't mean I don't recognize the importance of your stance, or appreciate your passion towards it, in fact it's that very energy which will draw me to you in the first place. It's just that once I'm out of your area of influence, I probably won't give anything you've told me a second thought.

At least not until we chat again on the topic and you once more have my undivided attention, the extent of course will depend on your level of devotion.

I used to think I wore a mask around people, pretending to be somebody I wasn't because the way I'd think would always change depending on my circumstances, and especially when I was alone, but years ago I realized and accepted the fact that I'm just a Shifter, blending into my surroundings. And that each "persona" I have is as authentic as what most people would consider to be their "real" selves.

Some of it does involve feeding, as there are times when I go into predator mode and if I sense that someone's energy is naturally antagonistic, then I will poke at them to get a better reaction, but if not, then I'm the best, most attentive friend you could ever hope for.

None of this is intentional, and I never take a great deal of energy from those I consider my friends, but I'm aware of myself enough that I'm able to recognize, and own up to it.

For example, I believe that the reason I'm so quite around people I don't know very well is because subconsciously, I'm letting them take the lead so that I can collect data on them, get a feel for their energy, so that my personality can build accordingly. Until I know what I need to be for someone, whether it's the sympathetic shoulder to cry on and ear to listen to their ventations (I'm a writer, I'm allowed to make up words), or an adversary for them to verbally spar with, then I'm literally a blank slate.

It used to depress me a bit, my Chameleon Shifting (Cocktail Personality Disorder for those of you who don't believe in Metaphysics), because I felt like I was nobody, just a reflection of those around me. I constantly felt insincere....not while I was talking with someone, because that always feels natural, but afterwards, once I have a chance to think things out and realize that my opinions constantly contradicted themselves.

Now I realize that I was wrong. I'm not a nobody, I'm not just a collection of everybody I've ever known, although bits and pieces can be attributed to them, and I'm not being insincere or catering to those around me.....I'm just a person who can be whatever and whoever I need to be, and I completely accept that.

This isn't a warning, I'm not trying to scare anyone off, but I am honest enough to try and explain how I am, as it can come off as highly manipulative at times, and for the most part, that is not intentional either.

The very nature of my shifting is manipulative, because it helps me either blend in, or instigate, depending on the role I feel I'm supposed to play.

Monday, December 10, 2012



Pandora's box.....almost everyone knows the infamous Greek myth. A woman created to punish the hubris of man, both beautiful and inquisitive and entrusted with a mysterious box that must never be opened...

I am not one to argue the right and wrongs concerning the mythologies of other faiths. In my own belief system, the things she released from that box, all of the "vices" of man, are known as the Cursed Gods, and they were born long before the Gods themselves.

They are younger than the first Primordials, but older than most other entities. And despite their name, they are not bad or evil, but necessary to the nature of all things both mortal and Divine.

Afterall, how could Pandora had even desired to open the box if not for Temptation? And he is one of the Cursed Gods I am probably the most aquainted with.

Every single emotion, everything that pulls and shapes us, comes from them. They are as countless as the stars, and just as constant in our lives.

We are blessed, or cursed, with free will, so they do not have to rule our lives unless we allow it. Oh, they play us, and ever so well. They know our weaknesses and feed on the chaos that ensues everytime one of us succumbs to their influence.

The results are not always unpleasant, but they are always guarenteed to change our lives in some way or another.

Dabbling in Death:

The worst thing I have ever done regarding my Craft involved death.....not causing it, as even those who have died as a result of a mishap on my part do not haunt me or give me any cause for regret.

No, I thought that because I had once orchestrated the events which lead to someone beating death, that I had a right to that power, that I could ward it off no matter what my target's fate was.

In my arrogance, I saved the life of another, only to prolong their suffering. In the end, they died by my word, because I had come to realize that what I had done was something unnatural, and that they would not have thanked me for it.

I no longer try to save lives, as that is not the nature of my path.

There is beauty in Death, as much as there is to be found in Life. Accepting that fact was one of the most important, and painful, lessons I have ever learned.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Death by Peeps:

*This spell is meant for a diabetic, although, with a little tweaking, it can easily turn from a death spell, into a hex to give someone diabetes. That's the fun thing about Crafting, the possibilities are endless.



1 charged Poppet. This should be made from a sponge. Doesn't matter what type, if you prefer to go all natural then by all means get yourself a sea sponge, otherwise, pick up a yellow brick-sponge from your local supermarket and shape it into a basic, gingerbread-type humanoid form.

1 Glass bottle with lid. Don't worry about being fancy here, mason jars are an Occultist's best friend.

A shit-ton of Peeps.

I won't bother telling you how to charge your Poppet, if you do not know how, then you do not need to ever worry about preforming this spell.


 - Place your charged Poppet into the container.

 - Surround the Poppet with Peeps. Stuff those suckers in until there is literally no room left. You want to suffocate your Poppet with their yellow, sugary evil.

 - Add water.

>insert whatever chant/incantation/energy focus you prefer to use in order to make known your intent here<

 - Seal the container. Personally, a little super-glue works wonders when it comes to wanting to ensure that your lid stays perfectly sealed and intact. I know candle wax is fancier, but I deal in practicality.

 - Dispose of as desired. Usually I keep my Poppets, but in caues such as this, which include perishable foodstuffs, I'd probably bury it somewhere. Preferably somewhere I don't frequent on a regular basis.

 - Finish up by engaging in any type of ritual grounding/cleansing you feel you require.

And there you have it.....Death by Peeps.