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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Thursday, October 11, 2012


A few weeks ago, I figured out a nifty way to shut down my mind so I can sleep.

A hard, mental push right between my shoulder blades completely clears every thought from my mind for a few minutes, and if I keep doing it, I eventually drift off into a deep sleep.

The downside is that the next day, I'll feel a deep, pulled-muscle pain in that area, which refuses to go away.

I've had my fair share of phantom wounds in the past, so I know that's what this is, I'm just a bit annoyed that something so beneficial could cause this much pain, especially when there's nothing I can do to heal it, and have to just ride it out.

Self-healing isn't one of my strengths, and unfortunately Tylenol doesn't do jack for phantom wounds.

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