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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You know who you are:

I saw through your counterfeit guise from the beginning. The fact that you've attempted to go this far, for this long, only proves your foolishness in underestimating me.

Obviously not one of your most prudent decisions.

Although, despite your woeful lapse in judgement, and due to the fact that I hold you in some regard, insignificant as that may be, I shall impart a crumb unto you and yours. Know now that however you proceed from this moment on, that I shall not hold it against you, for if you persist in this ill-advised endevor, then you shall pay a price far greater than that of my disdain; which is in itself a thing to be reckoned with. The truth of the matter is that you simply are not worthy of any retaliation on my part, as even your greatest attempts to cast against me are less than the annoyance of a single gnat, and just as easily dismissed.

You see my little proselyte, the reasoning behind my lack of trepidation in regard to the tresspassing of mortals against me is due to the fact that my pain is sacred, and belongs wholly to another. One far older and more powerful than any God(s). That is not hubris, nor am I using Her as a threat against you, as She does not do my bidding. You will find however, like so many before you, that She is very territorial over Her chosen, and as one of Her marked, She can be a tad bit....protective towards me.

This is not affection, as She would love my decomposing corpse with the same intensity as She does my living form. No, any action taken on Her part against those whom would dare attempt to attack one of Hers stems solely from Her inability to share Her toys.....nothing more, and nothing less.

I am the Sibyl of the Darkness, a Primordial born of the Chaos. The Cursed Gods of Madness, Destruction, Pain, Betrayal, and Despair are but a few of Her children, and my God-kin.

They, and only they, are the orchestrators my torment.

Foolish human, whatever made you think that an amateur of your caliber would be allowed within the sacred gallery? You, who are a handful of hairs away from the chimps in which your ancestry lies? That you would be so audacious as to think that a puddle of oozing muck such as yourself would be permitted to breach the sanctum in which the Cursed Gods themselves create their masterpieces?

Such haughty is it that you have survived this long without being crushed beneath the weight of your own presumptuous audacity? Even now your ego will not allow you to retreat, as you will only see my words as a challenge. So ostentatious....I do believe it is this quality, more than any other you possess, which amuses me so.

Although, if that is to be the case, then by all means, feel free to disregard my warnings if you so desire, as I have done my part as far as both you and this ritual are concerned. In the end, all of this shall account for nothing, as history has well taught us that human beings never pay any heed to the harbinger.

You see my sweet neophyte, Nietzsche was wrong. If you are foolish enough to seek communion with the abyss, then it won't simply stare back at will rip your soul from that screaming meat-husk you call a body and spend eternity making it, and everything you ever cared about in the very short span of your mortal life, it's bitch. 

Happy hunting. 

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