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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nom, with a K:

I know the reason behind it, but I just can't take any "school" or site seriously if they spell Magic with a K.

Unless they're Crowley-ites, then I can overlook it, but most of these "school sites" are just Neo-Pagans trying to make a buck on the same stupid-ass bullshit you can find on-line for free.

I also refuse to read a site, page or anything that mentions "Threefold" in it. That word(s) is enough to make me dismiss anything else the author says as fluffy dreck.

It's not that I'm anti-fluff, because I believe they have their part in the balance, but that doesn't mean I'll go out of my way to waste my time on them either.

Unless I like the way they taste, then I might humor them for a bit, just in case I get the munchies and need a quick snack.

And no, I don't consider myself a vampire.....more like an energy cannibal.

People like me provide a viable service.

The unwashed masses were created for the sole purpose of mastication. They have way too much building up inside of them and desperately need an outlet, but are too damned lazy to seek one out. That's where Siphons and Feeders (what the Occult communities call "Energy Vampires") come into play. We Nom those fuckers back to normal and in the end, everybody's happy.

Unless we take too much, but that's really no biggie. What's a few less humans on an already overpopulated planet?

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