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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Masochistic Dreaming:

They say you're not supposed to feel pain in dreams...although just who exactly "they" are is beyond me....but it's actually a rather common occurrence from what I've read.

I feel pain in my dreams, and not the type that could be associated with my usual day-to-day pain either.

Last night I dreamt that I was being tortured. Well, it was more like early this morning. I never experience these types of dreams when my Mate is next to me, but he awoke before I did, leaving me vulnerable for about half an hour. That's when some sadistic little Morphaevore decided it wanted to come play with me.

I don't mind dreams like this, at least not once I'm able to figure out that I actually am dreaming, because the pain I experience is watered down. Also, while I don't appreciate having my energy and/or dreams masticated on by some pesky parasite, the bottom line is that this is all a part of the learning process.

The Dream Verse is essential to the final aspect of my Lady, which I am currently exploring. When it comes to her, you usually have to take a lot of bad with the good. Each trial, no matter how hard, is a test which you have to face, and survive. Experience is knowledge, and unfortunately I happen to serve a entity who considers pain to be sacred.

It is a little vexsome having to start all over again at this stage in my life. Although, I have already mastered the first two aspects of my Lady, and both of them overlap into this one, and vice versa, so it's not as if I'm stumbling across this newest path completely blind.

Not only does my Lady possess a different name for each of her aspects, but also, each path is represented by three terms and symbols. It can extend to include many others, but the main three are the most important, as both the numbers of 3 and 9 are ritualistically symbolic within this system. I am required to seek this information out completely on my own, and it can be an annoying, and tedious process at times. It's not like I can just pull something out of my ass or anything like that.

With this final aspect, I have already discovered the three symbols, and two of the terms. Not too shabby considering that it took me over 5 years each on the other two and I've only been on this one hardcore for the last 2 years.

I am a dreaming insomniac.....sometimes I think the only purpose of my life is to be a walking contradiction.

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