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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Saturday, September 17, 2011

To Thrall or Not to Thrall:

Last year was a rather interesting time for me. I underwent some significant physical trauma which caused extensive damage to me both mentally and spiritually.

The event itself isn’t important, as in the end, I was kinda asking for it, only that afterwards I couldn’t handle my shit and began self-destructing hardcore.

I required energy, more than I ever had before, in order to heal myself. My preferred source is through sexual contact, but due to 8 months of forced abstinence last year, I was unable to feed, and was completely depleted.

Now I have taken demi-Thralls in the past whenever I was feeling too lazy to bother with the filtering involved with grazing. Due to my Shifting nature, I tend to take on the characteristics of those I feed on, so grazing can send my mind into a shifting frenzy. Sort of like multiple personalities, except times by a 100 and all of them are fighting for dominance at once.

In order to combat this, I keep a few people at my disposal whom I first infect with a teeny bit of my own energy, which in turn morphs theirs into something I can more easily feed from, without having to worry about all that pesky filtering and purging. If a Vampire is akin to a leech, then I am a spider and my own energy acts as a venom which first infects others, then liquefies their energy, leaving a nice creamy excess that I can lap up at my leisure.

The problem with this is that last year I found myself completely void of any infected peons to feed from, and without any excess energy to spare in order to farm up some new ones.

Instinct took over and I began toying with the sexual energy of others so that I could feed from that, targeting only a handful so that my shifting didn’t become too out of hand. There was nothing in it for me other than the feed, as I have a Mate and personally found the men I was masticating rather revolting. If given a choice, I would have never went there with anyone, but since I could not feed in the flesh, I had to settle for rummaging through human trash cans.

It was around this time that I sought out an ex-demi-Thrall of mine, someone who was a veritable untapped source of energy. While this person was particularly grotesque, they did provide me with enough energy that I was able to abandon my other pets and focus entirely on them. I might not have enjoyed what I was doing very much, but at least I only had to tolerate a single fool instead of a whole harem of them.

And, in the end, it worked. First I bound him to me, after tricking him into giving me his consent and isolating him from everyone else in his life, then I played the part of the simpering, submissive little girl to feed into his perverted, Lolita-inspired fantasies. The result being that I was able to pretty much hallow him out without him so much as suspecting what I was really up to.

Also, I would like to point out that all of this was done via the interwebs and that despite my ravenous state, there is no way in hell I would have sough out a male source such as this in the flesh. Despite my open-minded attitude about sex, and overly perverse nature, I am still Mated. Beyond Mated in fact, as my Mate imprinted himself on me at such an early age that it would be impossible for me to let another male anywhere near me, let alone allow one to touch me.

My Mate knew what I was up to, as there are no secrets between us, and he had no problems with it so long as it was limited to on-line. He was unable to feed me at the time, and considered my interactions amusing at best, as he knew how much I loathed my newest Thrall.

After a period of a few months, the feeding began to take it’s toll on him. I had not been careful or respectful of his health or mental stability during any of this, instead gorging myself on his essence until I had literally sucked any redeeming qualities he possessed right out of him. He became paranoid, possessive, bitter, easily agitated and self-destructive. The Happiness he displayed when we first resumed contact eroded, leaving only a sad, pitiful shell behind.

It was around this time that I was once again able to resume my regular feeding habits, and I had healed enough from the energy I’d taken from my Thrall that I no longer required anything more from him. I decided to reward him by breaking the bindings and attempting to maintain our friendship, on a strictly platonic level.

This did not go over very well.

He was not interested in a friendship with me, and despite the many times I informed him that nothing would ever happen between us in real life, or that any response he witnessed from me was faked for the sake of his ego, he still ended up convincing himself that I was in love with him and planned on leaving my Mate to come live with him in his disabled father’s shack of a house, where he sleeps on a worn out, filthy couch and steals his father’s foodstamps.

I tolerated 3 weeks worth of his tantrums, irritated with his behavior. While I know it was the result of my feedings, I still felt as if he should have been grateful for what I offered, as he was completely alone without me, and aside from suddenly refusing to play along with his perverted role-playing, I had been a damn good friend to him, spending money lavishly on him and his father, as well as fluffing his ego. I was so nice to the bloated loser that I was practically speaking to him in baby talk anytime we interacted, because it was what he required in order to feel good about himself.

To say that he had “Mommy issues” would be a vast understatement.

Eventually his sulking became too much for me and when he attempted to manipulate me into submitting to his demands, I instead turned it around on him and used it as an excuse to give myself a guilt-free out of what had become a messy and highly irritating situation.

It still amuses me that he thought he could play mind-games with me of all people. That should show just how pathetically stupid he was. What can I say? I didn’t pick him for his brains, if that were the case I would have starved.

So that was my most recent experience with Thralldom, which while ending badly for the Thrall, resulted in my continued survival.

I believe that from now on, I shall stick primarily to female Thralls, as not only am I actually attracted to them, but I also hold the females I feed from in much higher esteem than I do the males. Plus, they just taste better. They’re not as easy to manipulate, but sometimes you have to work for your food.

After all, not everyone can be a Happy Meal with legs.

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