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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Freak of Nature:

I do believe a little introduction is in order, that is normally how these things go after all.

I am an energy feeder/manipulator as well as a Shapeshifter and Practitioner of the Occult, although not always in that order.

There are the usual terms associated with all of these, but I do not tend to subscribe to most of them. I do not really associate with the Therian or Vampire communities, nor do I prefer to claim either title as for one thing, Therians are not exactly shifters, and my methods for feeding on the energy of others is a little different than that of most Psionic Vampires, although I’ll save that particular explanation for a later date.

I have created my own Trad to define my callings in this mortal life of mine, which was more out of necessity than ego in the beginning, as I was completely alone and without any form of information when I first began my path.

I am not Wiccan, or Neo-Wiccan. I am not any type of whatever myriad, bullshit variation of Wiccan there is out there these days, nor do I believe in either the threefold law or their re-defining of Karma.

I am a balanced practitioner with zero qualms about hexing the ever-loving shit out of anyone who irks me and I make no apologies for it. Although, I might also hex you if I want to experiment with a new spell, or maybe if I‘m just bored….I don’t really need a reason to turn others into my own, personal guinea pigs. 

I am a Warlock, and please do not waste your breath on any of that “oath-breaker” nonsense, as my Trad has officially reclaimed the term. To quote Randel Graves: “It's cool, I'm taking it back.”

I’m also a Lunatic, a Maeniac, and an all around horrible human being to be within the general vicinity of.

Seriously, ask any of my ex-acquaintances, they’ll tell you that you’re better off attempting to befriend the Ebola virus.

I think the real question isn’t so much, why does somebody like me exist, but rather, why in the hell are you still here?

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