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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Monday, January 12, 2015


I am a terrible fighter. Like, embarrassingly bad.

Despite my size and build, I'm clumsy and uncoordinated. I can't block to save my life and my punches are weak. My only saving grace is that I can take a shit-ton of damage before going down. Also, if my hands or feet get anywhere near your genitals, or it there is a sharp object within reach, then you will get fucked up. I'm all about the cheap shots.

Words are my power. They always have been. Not in an obvious way. I'll never win an insult match IRL because my reaction time is too slow. It still surprises me that I'm able to think up snarky come-backs on-line as fast as I do because I've always had a problem with becoming tongue-tied in similar situations IRL.

So I rely on deviousness. My first real weapon was my Craft. From the time I was 12-years-old I was hexing anyone who pissed me off and I delighted in watching their worlds crumble around them. Later, I learned how to expand my manipulation of energy from spells to people. I didn't need to hex them, not when I could reshape their energy to my will and turn it against them, or worse, infect them with my own.

My love of words expands to this. When I screw around with someone's ju-ju, I usually think of a single word, and repeat it within my head with as much force as possible. It helps me focus my intentions.

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