My Mate keeps asking me just what type of "Witch" category I would fall under: white, black or grey.
I always immediately answer none of the above because I'm a Warlock, not a Witch. (Yeah, same difference, but I'm allowed to snark about it every now and again.)
He's asking because he's met a Witch, or someone married to a Witch and they apparently use the whole color thing to describe themselves, which there's nothing wrong with doing that, I just don't personally prescribe to it.
I mean, if we're talking colors then I'm pretty much plaid, or maybe polka-dotted. I don't really fit into the other three very neatly. That would suggest order, something which I'm not a huge fan of when it comes to my Craft.
I finally told him that as a balanced practitioner of the Occult, I would therefore learn more towards grey, if those were the only three choices available to me.
Being a warlock or witch as you know is just a label. What is important above all is being able to channel real energy or "magic" from the other planes or ancient planes and use them here and now. I consider it very sad when one says they have supernatural abilities yet cannot produce any real proof and use the excuse that it is something that cannot be seen.