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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Monday, March 3, 2014

Dream Feeding:

The Dream is fading now...

Such a shame. This was the first time I was able to sink my teeth into you, and you were absolutely delicious.

I have waited almost two decades for a taste of you and while you were more than worth the wait, I wish I had more time to savor the experience.

Oh well, there's always next time.

And trust me, there will be a next time.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Lady in Orange: by: Ntozake Shange

You don't know me, I am not
a deliberate coquette who never
did without.
What I want and I
wanted to be unforgettable.
I wanted to be a memory,
a wound to every man arrogant enough to want me.
I am the wrath of women in
windows fingerin shades.
Ol lace curtains camouflaging despair and
stretch marks.
I glittered honestly delighted
I am desired and allowed those especially
schemin tactful suitors to experience my body and spirit.
Tearin so easily blending with
And they were so happy and lay on
my lime sheets full and wet from
my tongue.
I kissed them reverently even ankles
edges of beards... 

All the colors of the rainbow:

My Mate keeps asking me just what type of "Witch" category I would fall under: white, black or grey.

I always immediately answer none of the above because I'm a Warlock, not a Witch. (Yeah, same difference, but I'm allowed to snark about it every now and again.)

He's asking because he's met a Witch, or someone married to a Witch and they apparently use the whole color thing to describe themselves, which there's nothing wrong with doing that, I just don't personally prescribe to it.

I mean, if we're talking colors then I'm pretty much plaid, or maybe polka-dotted. I don't really fit into the other three very neatly. That would suggest order, something which I'm not a huge fan of when it comes to my Craft.

I finally told him that as a balanced practitioner of the Occult, I would therefore learn more towards grey, if those were the only three choices available to me.