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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Belief & Doubts:

One thing that anti-Theists seem obsessed with is that Theists are ignorant, superstitious fools who blindly follow an unproven faith based off the works of people who died thousands of years ago.

For one thing, my religion is based off what I have seen within my own mind. There are no books to follow, only glimpses and visions, which I'm quite sure would be dismissed as nothing more than delusions by those who do not believe in such things.....Hell, even other Theists tend to think my beliefs are nuts.

As for blind acceptance.....I have refused to do things which were requested of me. I serve the Primordial Darkness, and while there is much beauty to be found within my faith and within the Darkness itself, there is also a great deal of things which are not quite so pleasant.

My Lady also rules over Flesh and all things which lay in-between. She is the Darkness, but is a sorta Proto-Goddess over the other two. One of many.

The path of the Flesh views all acts of the flesh as sacred. It was during my years when I was a novice traveling this path when I had a type of spiritual break-down.

There were some truths revealed to me which I could not accept or handle at the time. I was beyond horrified, I was in despair. For a time I turned my back on my faith.

That was about 8 years ago. Shortly after my crisis of faith, some events happened in my life which made me realize that while I might turn my back on my Lady, she is still there, and gave me comfort when I needed it the most.

Oh, she is amused by my pain, whether it is physical or mental, but she also loves me for it and that is something I am able to take comfort in.

I have never really been able to accept what turned me away in the first place, but I understand it, and that is all which is required of me. 

So no, Theists don't always close their minds to everything unpleasent in their faith, nor do we always blindly follow it. We question, and doubt, and fear just like anyone else.

The only difference is that in the end, we are able to live with those questions and still trust in the belief of higher powers.

That doesn't make us stupid, or inferior.

We are simply believers in something far greater than our own mortal shells.

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