- Melisandre Pandemónium
- "The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Someone with a familiar energy signature came to visit me within The Dreaming last night.
They kept asking for my name. Not the name my parents gave to me upon my birth, but my true name, and I could not give it to them because I could not remember what it was.
Within the Twilight of The Dreaming, this me, any part of me which is human, does not exist. There are flashes of it, and memories, but this body and mind are nothing more than a chrysalis. Within The Dreaming, I have moved beyond that.
I do not fear trespassers. If you wish to venture inside of my head, then please, you are more than welcome.
Just don't come crying to me afterwards. If you wish to commune with the abyss, then be prepared for the consequences.
They kept asking for my name. Not the name my parents gave to me upon my birth, but my true name, and I could not give it to them because I could not remember what it was.
Within the Twilight of The Dreaming, this me, any part of me which is human, does not exist. There are flashes of it, and memories, but this body and mind are nothing more than a chrysalis. Within The Dreaming, I have moved beyond that.
I do not fear trespassers. If you wish to venture inside of my head, then please, you are more than welcome.
Just don't come crying to me afterwards. If you wish to commune with the abyss, then be prepared for the consequences.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Sticks & Stones:

I also do this with trees during the winter months. I'll stare at their branches, meditation on the various patterns until I see the shape of a rune. It's kinda like looking into one of those magic eye pictures and trying to find whatever shape is hidden within them. It's not nearly as efficient as grabbing a few stones or bones out of a bag, but it's what works for me.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Dream - Nov. 10th 2013
My Dream began within a house, that shared similarities to a single-wide trailer that my Maternal Grandmother once lived in.
A lot is blurred, but at the time the Dream was extremely vivid. At no point during the Dream did I realize that I was within the Dreaming.
I arrived during the afternoon. It was still day light outside. There were several people within the house, and I knew them, but they are nobody I know in the real world.
Night came and the house became ominous. Again, I'm not able to remember much. I should have recorded it immediately, but there was too much to do after I woke up and I forgot all about it until just now.
There was a room which had an antique style vaulted ceiling with open, exposed beams. There were toys in the room which appeared antique as well. Dolls and a jack-in-the-box. All of them were smiling, the paint of their faces faded and cracked. Their eyes followed me as I moved through the house, watching.
I stepped outside and there was a large, cement park, with a twisting, spiral drive. I had seen the park before, and I suddenly knew what was coming. I also knew that if I followed the roadway to the bottom, that I would find water. I had been there before and ran that way once. At the time, I had also known that water was lurking there, but what I ran from was far worse than the abyss beneath.
On the other side of the park was a prison. Troubled teens are kept there, locked within. I haven't been there in a long while, but I used to find myself locked in with the others when I was a teenager. I would spend the entire dream trying to escape.
A few of the people from the house had followed me outside and one by one they began to change. It was if they were possessed by something.
I returned to inside of the house, even though I knew that it would offer no protection against whatever was outside.
I went to the room with the toys and climbed up on top of the ceiling. I sat on the rafters while everyone within the house became possessed by the same entity. They shambled around like a cross between a zombie and one of the Deadites from the Evil Dead movies.
I sat up in that room, and did my best not to make a sound. The toys came to life and looked up at me. Their eyes were full of malevolence. Then the roof began to disappear, caving in at some parts and just vanishing at others.
The commotion caused by the roof attracted the attention of the possessed and they began to climb up to me.
That is when I woke up.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Being ridiculed for practicing the Occult doesn't offend me......I mean, let's face it, if I weren't who I am then I'd think I was either crazy or full of shit too.
However, it does irk me whenever I happen to stumble upon a baby Witchling who immediately asks me to send them some positive energy because of some bullshit or another going on in either their lives or the lives of someone they know....
I am not an energy vending machine.
Yes, I often cast off my own energy into others, but that's only because it has a tendency to turn toxic if it's allowed to stagnate for too long and it's far more amusing to infect others with it than simply ground it......also, storing my "waste" energy into other people is a good way to filter and recharge it. It's one of the ways in which I feed from others, as consciously feeding from non-infected targets screws with my shifting. Hence the reason why I always keeps a few Thralls around. And even thought I technically don't need to feed that way anymore, I still like to keep my options open.
Watching their lives turn to complete shit due to having to carrying around my calamitous ju-ju is just a bonus.
Anywho, back to my origional rant-topic....
Why do people do this? Seriously? They don't know me. I could have serial killer energy festering up inside of me. I could be a walking time-bomb of creepy-crawlies and destruction!
Just....do yourselves a huge favor and don't go around pestering complete strangers for positive mojo, or healing vibes, or anything of that nature because depending on who you ask, you might just end up with a helluva lot more than you bargained for.
However, it does irk me whenever I happen to stumble upon a baby Witchling who immediately asks me to send them some positive energy because of some bullshit or another going on in either their lives or the lives of someone they know....
I am not an energy vending machine.
Yes, I often cast off my own energy into others, but that's only because it has a tendency to turn toxic if it's allowed to stagnate for too long and it's far more amusing to infect others with it than simply ground it......also, storing my "waste" energy into other people is a good way to filter and recharge it. It's one of the ways in which I feed from others, as consciously feeding from non-infected targets screws with my shifting. Hence the reason why I always keeps a few Thralls around. And even thought I technically don't need to feed that way anymore, I still like to keep my options open.
Watching their lives turn to complete shit due to having to carrying around my calamitous ju-ju is just a bonus.
Anywho, back to my origional rant-topic....
Why do people do this? Seriously? They don't know me. I could have serial killer energy festering up inside of me. I could be a walking time-bomb of creepy-crawlies and destruction!
....oh, wait.....I am.
Just....do yourselves a huge favor and don't go around pestering complete strangers for positive mojo, or healing vibes, or anything of that nature because depending on who you ask, you might just end up with a helluva lot more than you bargained for.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
To Lilith & Company:
The first rule about Pogo Hex Club is: You DO NOT talk about Pogo Hex Club.
I know you little Darklings are all a'twitter about your great, big EBBIL doings, but seriously, your posts/blogs/tweets about this are making you look like a bunch of cracked-out, tween Satanists.
You're not scary, you're not evil, you're not a Godsdamn Sith Lord, and if I see one more Frakin' post about this shit, I'm out. End of story. I don't associate with Hot Topic-Pagan rejects.
Which, I guess you guys are, but do you have to be so damned obvious about it?
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Hunting Unicorns:
The first thing I do anytime I meet someone claiming to be a virgin is offer to buy a vial of their blood.
I've yet to have anyone take me up on my offer.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Trust Me:
I am completely reliable when it comes to secrets. It's actually one of the few things people can trust me with.
This wasn't always the case. When I was younger, my need to instigate discord and feed on the resulting calamity was too strong to ignore. I wasn't aware of why I did some of the things I did, only that there was a compulsion in me to dabble in betrayal which I simply could not deny.
Learning how to control my feeding, and through that, the reasons behind some of my more irritating and alienating actions, helped me to suppress this side of my nature.
Oh, I don't keep confidences because I wish to be a good person, or because I care about your feelings......because that type of thing is beyond my capabilities.....No, I do it because knowledge is power, and secrets are doubly so. To have knowledge to myself, or that which is limited to a select few, is to have power over another.
And I don't like to share my power.
So go ahead, trust in me. Make your confession. Lay your every secret open and bleeding upon my altar.
I promise to forgive you your sins and make your penance as painless as possible.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Part of me wants to fly up and simply watch this whole... world... burn.
I keep finding myself in situations that I have nothing but contempt for, and yet I still play my part because I'm drawn into the absurdity of it all.
It's not for feeding, or even research, as I've allowed some rather revolting people into my life in the past simply because I was curious to see how their minds worked....
No, there is absolutely nothing I can learn from these people.
I have no idea why I do it, except that when I'm confronted by one of them, my mind shifts and I'm suddenly nice and friendly and sympathetic towards them and their causes.
It's not an act, not at the time, but afterwards, when things shift back, I find myself disgusted by the whole ordeal.
It's one of the disadvantages of my Chameleon Shifting. I don't always like what I become and the parasites that end up leeching onto me as a result.
Of course, I don't feel this way when I'm in the "zone". When one of my "nicer" sides are in control, I view this me as something horrible and want to be a better person.
Is it any wonder then that my less human personas are constantly attempting to cause psychological harm to my fluffy mindsets?
I might not have MPD, but it's close enough to where my mind is constantly at war with itself. One part just wants to exorcize this Darkness within me, and the others, they want to destroy what they see as my weaknesses.
I am my own worst enemy.
I can also, very easily, be yours.
As no ammount of affection, or love, no matter how strongly I might believe I feel it at the moment, will keep you safe from this me.
And this isn't even me at my worst.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Deadly Fluff:
My stuffed animals are all charmed. I've believed that toys hold protective qualities since I was a small child, and I've taken measures to up the Oomph! factor since then.
They are hardly my only precaution. When you deal with some of the things and people I have, then you quickly learn that there's no such thing as being overly prepared, or paranoid.
Basically, fuck with me and my Hello Kitty and Flying Monkey plushies will be the least of your concerns.
Friday, January 11, 2013
How to sell a contradiction:
Most of those who invoke the Neo-Pagan version of Karma against someone who has wronged them in some way rarely stop to consider how it might also affect them in return.
Luckily it's about as real as eternal Damnation....which is basically the same threat, just from a different source.
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