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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

To Lilith & Company:

The first rule about Pogo Hex Club is: You DO NOT talk about Pogo Hex Club.

I know you little Darklings are all a'twitter about your great, big EBBIL doings, but seriously, your posts/blogs/tweets about this are making you look like a bunch of cracked-out, tween Satanists.

You're not scary, you're not evil, you're not a Godsdamn Sith Lord, and if I see one more Frakin' post about this shit, I'm out. End of story. I don't associate with Hot Topic-Pagan rejects.

Which, I guess you guys are, but do you have to be so damned obvious about it?


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