- Melisandre Pandemónium
- "The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Familiars are Serious Business:
One of the first Occult groups I stumbled onto, during my
early years on-line, and before I met my first serious group later on, was a
bit on the fluffy side. (notice I go out of my way not to say “witch” if I can
help it, I know most claim that title, but I do not, and prefer not to exclude
myself when speaking about the Craft.)
During one of our chat sessions, someone came up with the
brilliant idea to post pictures of our familiars. I declined because, as I
tried to explain to them, familiars in my path are not animals, but animal
spirits whose form I share during my OoB shifts.
They didn’t really understand, or else they didn’t want to,
and insisted that I get myself a familiar, pronto.
Now, my feline companions at the time were very active in my
crafting, to the point that they’d go nuts at my door anytime I was preparing
for a ritual. Normally they couldn’t be bothered with me, but the second I’d so
much as whip out my pendulum, they were all up in my business. Of course, they
were family, so I wasn’t about to insult either them, nor my actual familiars,
by slapping that particular label on them.
So instead I uploaded a picture of a pet rock and dubbed it
my familiar. The group was not amused, despite the fact that I’d gone through
the trouble of gluing googly eyes on the damned thing. They told me that if I
wasn’t going to take them seriously then maybe this wasn’t the group for me.
After my second upload of my pet hermit crab, I was booted from the forums.
Which is a shame, as I’m sure that Mr. Krabs would have made
for a far superior familiar than the forum host’s chihuahua.
I still have that pet rock. I keep him in one of those
little plastic cages they give you at the pet store when purchasing feeder
mice. His name is Fred.
>picture forthcoming<
Lilith Hype:

It's bullshit.
If you're going to go digging around in the Bible for a
Succubus mascot, then at least look to characters such as Salome, or Jael, or
even Delilah for Frith's sake.
Hell, Delilah used her sexuality to literally drain the
power out of Samson, one of the most powerful men alive at the time. If that
doesn't scream Succubus, then I don't know what does.
I only omitted Jezebel because I see her more as a
Priestess/Sorceress type, than an actual seductress.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Trouble with Inklings:
Last night I had several dreams within dreams.
In the first one, I was at The House....The House can show up anywhere and is a mixture of my aunt's house, my home in MD, and the first home we lived in when my parents moved me to this state. All three homes were haunted IRL and twist together to act as the backdrop for whatever story my Dreaming wishes to weave.
It's like, my own personal Rose Red.
My Incubus was there, but he was keeping his distance. He's been acting squirrely since I began feeding on the dreams of others, and I'm not sure why. Maybe either out of some professional courtesy or because he's unsure of me now, so instead of lavishing me with some awesome dream-fornication, he just skulks around in the shadows, acting out the part of my own, personal Cheshire Cat....who, on occasion, gives me mind-blowing orgasms while in the form of Paul Giamatti. Yes, even at his sweetest, my Incubus is a extremely sick bastard with a endlessly twisted sense of humor.
Suddenly I'm in a tour bus, except it's more like an RV the size of a train with several connecting compartments. I was there on a tacky sofa with the Incubus sitting beside me and across from us was Sylvester Stallone, who was surrounded by a group of his guy friends and a gaggle of nymphets.
We were watching a porno on a small TV at the front of the "room". It was one of those nasty, low-budget flicks that makes you want to take a shower afterwards just because of how skeezy everything looks. Turns out that Sylvester Stallone was in it, and he starts explaining to me that since he started out in porn, and is now planning to retire, that he figured he would go out with the same bang.
There was more to the dream after that, but I don't really recall at the moment. I'm pretty sure that it was just more inane symbolism, and pesky spectral annoyances.
The only real interest for me throughout this whole thing was having the Incubus constantly following me. The last time I saw him in my Dreaming, he physically attacked me, which is something that has never happened before.
If he attempts to attack me again, then I'm putting him down. Nobody likes a feral Incubus.
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