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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Friday, June 20, 2014

Pendants and Sigils

4 years ago I designed a sigil for myself. This was one of my best works, if I do say so myself, and I waited for a very special occasion in which to charge it.

That occasion occurred this past Friday.

Now I am in negotiations with a lady metalworker in hopes that she will make it into a pendant for me to wear.

On a similar note, about 12 years back I bought a pendant which meant a great deal to me. The unique design and symbolism made it one of my top personable talismans, which I wore constantly.

A few years back, it vanished. I kept it with me everywhere, so I have no clue what could have happened to it. After about two years went by I tried searching for it on-line, but since it was a unique piece made by a blacksmith and commissioned in the store in which I purchased it, I have been unable to find anything close to it's design on-line.

This is what initially led me to create my Sigil....that and because I wanted something that would represent something very personal to me....a few very personal things in fact.

Now, earlier this year I made a pack with my Lady.....which I almost never do because the price is always a bit too high for my preference and the Divine never gives away anything for free. I promised her the usual sacrifices on my part if she would help me find my necklace. Immediately she responded....not so much with words, but with the faint sound of what could only be described as a gong. Seeing how we have nothing of the sort anywhere near the general vicinity, it was pretty obvious that she heard and agreed.

Of course given the fact that I don't make such deals that often, I made a very noob-ish mistake and didn't specific that she could have her sacrifice after I received my necklace, neither did I put any limited as to just how much she could take from our agreed form of payment.

Take note my young Witchlings, never trust outside sources when it comes to your Craft, especially the Divine, because if your wording isn't as precise as possible then you will suffer for it.

Anywho, just when I had given up hope, I accidentally stumbled upon the name of the blacksmith who made my necklace.....something I had specifically searched for over the course of several years just suddenly fell into my lap no less than 10 minutes ago.

I'm going ahead and ordering it, and if I ever find my original one, then I will turn the new one into a bracelet or something, as it is a very important symbol in my faith.

Life is so awesome.....painful, but awesome. :)

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