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"The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Spelling Mishaps:

It's been a long time since anyone has given me a lecture for not spelling Magic with a K, and I totally don't miss that aspect of dealing with other Crafters.

It's right up there in my book with threefold and the "oathbreaker" rant.

Then again, I don't really speak to a lot of Neos these days so maybe that's it.

The reason I don't spell it that way is because when I first began my path, I didn't have access to anything that told me to, and once I did, it didn't feel natural, so I didn't go with it.

Later on, I joined a serious Occult group and they pretty much disdained anyone who spelled it that way, unless they were somehow associated with Crowley's teachings. As a joke, I created a SN with the K in it for when I posted on the group's forums.....(well, I originally created the SN to troll a Therian forum I was a member of, because they were grouping up and trolling other "Were" forums, then posting the results of their games and laughing about it. I decided to even the score, because none of these forums knew that they were being targeted by an entire group. So I made a new account, and linked all of the posts on the targeted forums. The Troll-Therians had their site bombarded and eventually had to go private to avoid any further mishaps, and all was right in the world.)

I'm the Dexter of Trolls. I only ever Troll other Trolls.

I guess my point is...there was a time when a lot of Crafters developed this clone mentality where they assumed that EVERY Crafter was a (Neo)Wiccan, and if you dared to differentiated from the norm, then they'd go off on you like a pack of rabid dogs.

These days, I don't really see that, so I'm hoping that knowledge has finally triumphed over ignorance in regard to the Occult.

After all, this is a highly diverse vocation, and the path each of us walks is not necessarily yours.

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