- Melisandre Pandemónium
- "The whip hurts, but I measure power by my ability to withstand it...not in your strength in using it."
Friday, May 4, 2012
The power of an Asmodae (Incubae/Succubae) lies within our ability to enthrall and seduce our prey. While some of us are drawn to the thrill of the hunt, that does not prohibit us from also seeking out and possessing our very own pampered little pets to play with, and feed from, whenever and however we desire.
For what is seduction after all? But another form of manipulation.
I am a scheming Dreamer, Shadow Dancer, and Morphévore.
I am the Nightmare which rides you.
Official Asmodae Sigil:

So for years I wracked my brain, determined to find a term which would unify and combine the two into one. I gave some consideration to "sin-eater" for a while, but didn't like the idea of utilizing the term "sin", as I do not personally believe in such nonsense, so it's impossible for me to take anything connected to the concept seriously. I also discovered, during my extensive research on the subject, that there was an actual human practice of sin-eating where a chosen person, the "sin-eater", would eat food from the body of a recently deceased person, therefore taking their sins into them. This was apparently a big thing in Scotland and Wales a while back, although the book I read on the subject was centered around the Appalachian mountains. While this might sound like a worthy cause for a person to undertake, from my understanding, they were pretty much treated like a pariah by the rest of their village, which is pretty damn atrocious when you stop and think about it.
I finally decided to settle on a variant of Asmodeus, as he is one of the Seven Princes of Hell, and each Prince rules over a deadly sin. Asmodeus just so happens to be the Demon Prince of Lust.
Anything connected to Billy Drago is automatically awesome!
(He played Asmodeus in the 2005 low-budget horror film, Demon Hunter.
Which is only worth watching because he is in it.)
This guy also played Asmodeus in the highly underrated 2007 Australian film, Gabriel.
But he doesn't come off as being evil, just narassistic and annoying.
Since I pluralize Succubus and Incubus with an "ae" instead of the usual "i", I figured that I'd go with Asmodae, which was perfect until Aion's released 4 years back and I discovered that Asmodae was the name of one of their main cities within the game. But......since that has nothing to do with me, sex-feeders, or my writings, and I've yet to find any actual copyright claims on the term, I figure that I'll stick with it. I mean, I did think of it first.
So Asmodae tends to be what I use whenever speaking about Succubae and/or Incubae in the Occult communities, which almost always results in some hilariously weird looks, even after I try to explain the reasoning behind my useage of it. (I get the same reaction when I tell people I'm a Warlock.)
At any rate, I recently decided that it was time to create a sigil for the Asmodae, as all entities should have their own species/clan/racial symbols.
The sigil at the top of this post is what I came up with. It's nothing fancy, but it incorporates everything I wished to put into it. Besides, I'm a writer, not an artist, and there's only so much I can do with Microsoft Paint.
The actual sigil for Asmodeus, which is shown to the right of the page here, isn't that much fancier.
Funny little tidbit: In my writings, the term Asmodae is limited to those who are not bound to the Dreaming. The Incubae and Succubae who live within the Dreaming are known as something else.....which I'm not giving away just yet.
Yeah, I'm a total tease like that, but hey! It's part of my books, I'd like to keep some of my terminology a mystery.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Stick to rolling dice, because your casting sucks!
I believe that human beings, even those who are completely normal, without any type of spiritual enhancements or minions, can achieve great feats of metaphysical strength on the power of their will alone.
Yes, training does count for something, as all knowledge is power, but that doesn't mean that someone can't just stumble into the craft, and eventually learn enough on their own to be a force to be reckoned with.
My own beginnings were void of any Occult information, or elders. I gleaned what I could from movies and old books on various superstitions and the history of the Inquisition, because that is all I had access too, and yet I still managed to get the job done more often than not. Hell, my very first spell was a replica of a Poppet construction I'd seen on the movie The Witches of Eastwick.
Now, one thing that I have always held very firm, to myself, is discretion. There are several reasons for this, mainly that bragging is tacky and there's not a higher power out there that favors hubris. I also hold the belief that if I talk about some of my abilities, that I will lose them. When it comes to regular hexing, it's simply a matter of the person's own skepticism building a even stronger shield around them, making the effort to meddle in their lives no longer worth it.
Although, I have mentioned before that I believe the same scenario could be applied to others, and without even sending a negative through their way, that their own superstition, paranoia and fear will cause their downfall.
Both cases are true, it just depends on the mindset of the target.
I have been recently struggling to find an active Occult community, in which I might discuss my Craft with peers, but unfortunately, the only serious one I know of has pretty much died out, which I am particularly responsible for as I don't post there as much anymore either, so all I am stuck with are.......I'm not even sure what to call them. Playgan doesn't really fit, because these people take their Occult shenanigans so seriously that one could never find fault in their dedication. They are simply outlandish in their claims.
Now, like I said, I'm sure that someone could cause some hardcore damage to another person's life, and as the Sibyl of a Primordial, I know that it is possible to blend a human's nature with that of a higher powers, but sometimes, the bullshit is so thick that even I can't buy into it, and I believe in the Loch Ness Monster.
I do try to be tolerant, and almost never call anyone out on their obviously moronic claims, but when I actually witness a person claiming that they crippled and murdered others through their soul binding with one of Satan's top generals, especially when this same person supposedly summoned demons to destroy me over two years ago, I just can't help myself, because the repetitive fabrications are just way too hilarious. I can't NOT pick on them for it.
The really sad thing is, I've been picking on the same people for years now and it still hasn't sunken in that I'm talking about them, even when I'm using their full names!
Attention Theistic Satanists and Vampires: You are NOT this guy!
Or this guy.
Not even close.
Hell, you can't even compare to Charlie Sheen.
Please, just give it up already, because you are embarrassing yourselves, and the only people who are impressed with your silly boosting are those who are even dumber and more gullible than you are.
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