However, it does irk me whenever I happen to stumble upon a baby Witchling who immediately asks me to send them some positive energy because of some bullshit or another going on in either their lives or the lives of someone they know....
I am not an energy vending machine.
Yes, I often cast off my own energy into others, but that's only because it has a tendency to turn toxic if it's allowed to stagnate for too long and it's far more amusing to infect others with it than simply ground it......also, storing my "waste" energy into other people is a good way to filter and recharge it. It's one of the ways in which I feed from others, as consciously feeding from non-infected targets screws with my shifting. Hence the reason why I always keeps a few Thralls around. And even thought I technically don't need to feed that way anymore, I still like to keep my options open.
Watching their lives turn to complete shit due to having to carrying around my calamitous ju-ju is just a bonus.
Anywho, back to my origional rant-topic....
Why do people do this? Seriously? They don't know me. I could have serial killer energy festering up inside of me. I could be a walking time-bomb of creepy-crawlies and destruction!
....oh, wait.....I am. yourselves a huge favor and don't go around pestering complete strangers for positive mojo, or healing vibes, or anything of that nature because depending on who you ask, you might just end up with a helluva lot more than you bargained for.